In the land of Hyrule, there stands a tall mountain, whose been called Death Mountain. This mountain became dangerous as an active volcano and the only residents of it now are the Gorons. Darunia, the Big Boss of the Gorons, worked to maintain the peace of the Gorons, though Ganondorf would rather see them extinct after getting his way. This is a fanfiction written by myself.
When can you expect the next chapter?
The chapters for the sages' stories will be released every so often both on blogger and on fan fiction. After each sage's story is complete the next one will begin till all the sages (excluding Rauru) have had their fan fiction side stories told. The order of release is as follows:
1. Saria (complete)
2. Darunia
3. Ruto
4. Impa
5. Nabooru
Next Chapter: Darunia: Chapter Four. Due: Novemeber, 20th
If you have enjoyed this story, remember that when this story is done, a separate blog will have the next sage, and when the next story is starting, you can use the tabs to find the next sage. Also, if you want to stay informed as to when I have a new chapter for anything up, check out my personal blog or follow me on Twitter @RogerCascaden.
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